Who can find a virtuous woman?

Who can find a virtuous woman? That is the question that Solomon presents to us in Proverbs 31:10 – the words of King Lemuel’s mother, and ultimately the words of God.

The ESV uses the words “an excellent wife”

The NIV says, “A wife of noble character who can find?”

The “Proverbs 31 Woman” is a woman that God describes in the last chapter of Proverbs, in verses 10-31. Some people say she is not real or attainable, some say she is. Regardless of whether or not this “perfect woman” ever existed, it is God’s outline for how to be the right kind of woman, and that is pretty awesome.

So what is so special about this woman? In the English language, we usually define virtue as having high moral standards. While that is very true about this woman, the word “virtuous” in this text means something much more interesting…

strength, might, efficiency, force, able, capable, valiant

In fact, this same word is used over 200 times in the Old Testament to describe an army or men of valor.

Once you get to know this woman, you will understand why God uses this term though. She literally has “an army of virtues.” She is amazingly strong emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually.

This woman is a warrior! No, I am not saying she is some manly beast that pushes her husband around and constantly fights for her rights. She is a woman who works hard and does what is right. She takes care of her family and her household, she helps secure them financially, she reaches out to the poor…just to name a few things.

I don’t know about you, but I am finding out how much of a warrior I really have to be these days. We are constantly in battles with “the world” about how we should act, what our worth is in, and what is really important.

And yes, Satan is after our men ladies. He wants to destroy spiritual leaders, marriages, and ultimately the family and the church. BUT – He is after us too. He wants us to believe that we are what we see in the mirror, that sexuality is beauty, that “things” make us happy (just for starters). But God has called us to be so much more!!

Whether or not you have read Proverbs chapter 31 before, I would encourage you to read through it today. Maybe every day. Think about what God really has for you as a woman…these are His words to you. Yes it will take strength, hard work, and determination. But thankfully that already lives within us if we know Christ. It is attainable.

I will leave you with verse 30 from this chapter…

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised” (Proverbs 31:30)

Be blessed,

Brooke ♥

One response

  1. So different to think of godly womanhood as a “Warrior-Woman!” I’m picturing some cool armor here! 🙂
    I like the thought of “an army of virtues…”

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